Automatic Disqualifying Factors

The following list includes all items for which an application for a sworn and non-sworn position will be automatically disqualified.


Criminal History

  • Conviction of any felony
  • Conviction of domestic violence
  • Any involvement in the sale of or distribution of illegal drugs
  • Conviction of any Class 1 or 2 misdemeanor (or the Virginia State Law equivalent) within the last five years, excluding traffic violations (minor offenses may be looked at on a case-by-case basis)
  • Embezzlement or misappropriation of funds from a former employer
  • Founded child/elder abuse or neglect case
  • Illegal possession of a schedule I or II drug or any derivative thereof within the last five years (excluding marijuana)
  • Illegal use and/or possession of anabolic steroids within the last five years
  • Illegal use of any drug classified as a hallucinogen within the last five years

Driving History

  • Four or more negative points on a Virginia Operator’s license (or the equivalent for out-of-state residents). Points may be negated by attending defensive driving school offered by the DMV prior to the one-on-one interview with the background investigator.
  • Conviction of driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol within past five years
  • Eluding police within past five years
  • Leaving the scene of an accident within past two years
  • Multiple convictions of DUI
  • No valid driver’s license and/or inability to obtain a Virginia license
  • Refusal to take a blood or breath test related to suspected DUI/DUID within past five years
  • Suspension or revocation of driving privileges (from any state) resulting from convictions of moving violations or convictions of criminal activity, within the last 12 months. Convictions of reckless driving within the last 12 months. Suspensions for Insurance monitoring that is considered on a case-by-case basis. Any suspension for Insurance monitoring that is considered must be required to be eligible for reinstatement immediately and the applicant must obtain a valid license by the time of their one-on-one interview and produce proof of insurance.

Other Disqualifications

  • Two or more bankruptcies
  • Any “Dishonorable Discharge” or discharge “other than Honorable” from the military resulting from disciplinary action (case by case as determined by disposition code)
  • Cheating on any examination or testing associated with this position
  • Participation and/or convicted of any offense involving crimes of moral turpitude (i.e., larceny, embezzlement, perjury, etc.) or sexual offenses.
  • Ineligibility to possess a firearm in Virginia
  • Intentional omission on the application/background process for this position. Intentional lying on the application/background process for this position
  • Having any visible tattoos, brands, piercings, intentional scarifications (intentional scarifications are those that did not occur accidentally/naturally) other body modifications on the face, head, front half of the neck in front of the ears (50% of the neck behind the ears). Offensive tattoos are prohibited.
  • Full tattoo sleeves ARE allowed. Full sleeve tattoos, including the hands, are allowed, but tattoos or body art displaying the following are prohibited: racism, sexism, or sexually suggestive or explicit, obscenity or profane, gang or drug related, or undermining City or Department values.
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