We’ve joined the 30×30 Initiative.
The 30×30 Initiative aims to advance women in policing by increasing women recruits to 30% by the year 2030.

We took the pledge.
We took the 30×30 pledge and are devoted to having a diverse and inclusive workplace. We strive to retain and recruit diverse personnel that are well informed, service-oriented, and embrace the ideals of integrity and honor.
What is the 30×30 Initiative?
The 30×30 Initiative is a nationwide “initiative to advance the representation and experience of women in policing agencies across the United States.”
30×30’s ultimate goal is to “increase the representation of women in police recruit classes to 30% by 2030, and to ensure police policies and culture intentionally support the success of qualified women officers throughout their careers.”

Here are Some Ways Women Influence Law Enforcement, According to 30×30
Research suggests that women officers:
- Use less force and less excessive force
- Are named in fewer complaints and lawsuits
- Are perceived by communities as being more honest and compassionate
- See better outcomes for crime victims, especially in sexual assault cases
- Make fewer discretionary arrests, especially of non-white residents
Why 30×30?
Currently, women make up only 12% of sworn officers and 3% of police leadership in the United States. At Suffolk Police Department, we are proud to say that women make up 21% of sworn officers and 18% of leadership on our team in 2023.
We want to be part of the solution to ensure our policies and culture support the success of qualified women officers throughout their careers.