Civilian Support Staff Training
The following is an overview of the training requirements for Civilian Support Staff.
Police Records Technician
Training for the position of Police Records Technician begins on the midnight shift and lasts approximately 3-4 months. The training then transitions to the evening shift for a period of 2 months. The training agenda covers all paperwork and practices relevant to performing the tasks of a Police Records Technician. You will be required to be VCIN (Virginia Crime Information Network) and NCIC (National Crime Information Center) certified by the end of your 6 month probation period. The knowledge required to pass the VCIN/NCIC exam is covered in detail to provide you with hands on experience that will enable you to confidently take the exam, which is taken online at no cost to you. You will also be required to become a notary for this position.

Crime Scene Investigation Technician
The training process for Crime Scene Investigations Technicians is an in-house program that spans a 12 week period. Every week there is a list of topics to be covered, with practical activities that must be completed with a “passing” designation before being certified to complete these activities in the field.
You will start out as an observer only and will be slowly integrated into assisting on scene by a senior Technician. You can expect to be processing crime scenes independently by week 6. By weeks 10-12, you will be processing scenes completely on your own, with the CSI Supervisor accompanying you to ensure that you are correctly following procedures and ready to be released as a fully-trained Crime Scene Technician. During the course of your training, you will also have a mock trial with the Commonwealth Attorney’s office where you will testify to a mock case as you would in a real court of law.
You will be tested on every aspect of Crime Scene Investigations, including (but not limited to) photography, nighttime photography, fingerprinting, alternate light sources, FARO/sketching, video collection, cell phone extraction, impression evidence collection, evidence packaging, DNA collection, report writing, requests for laboratory examination, 054 completions, and mock crime scene processing. You must also pass written exams on topics such as lab safety and Department policies.
An Excavation School must be completed if you have not already completed one prior to being hired. Additional classes hosted by the Department of Forensic Science may be available for your professional development, but are not required as basic training.

Animal Care Specialist
The training process for Animal Care Specialists can vary based on applicant experience and knowledge. In general, it takes about 3 months for an individual with previous animal care experience to become fully trained.
Training is a hands-on process as you work alongside another more experienced caretaker. The schedule for training reflects normal working hours for the position as you learn the practical, administrative, and strategic aspects of the Animal Care Specialist position.
You will be trained and certified in vaccinating felines and canines, as well as the use of schedule VI drugs. You must be trained in animal euthanasia, which is achieved through an 8 hour course.
Basic civilian trainings required by the Suffolk Police Department must also be completed, including CPR and Mental Health First Aid.